Scientific program Daniel Pauleikhoff, M.D.
St. Franziskus Hospital
Hohenzollernring 74
48145 Muenster, Germany
Tel.: +49 - 251 - 933 08 0
Fax: +49 - 251 - 933 08 19
Frank G. Holz, M.D.
Department of Ophthalmology
University of Bonn
Ernst-Abbe-Strasse 2
53105 Bonn, Germany
Tel.: +49 - 228 - 287 56 47
Fax: +49 - 228 - 287 56 03
Organization: Congress Organisation Gerling GmbH
Werftstr. 23
D-40549 Duesseldorf, Germany
Tel.: +49 - 211 - 59 22 44
Fax: +49 - 211 - 59 35 60
Venue: Kongresshaus Baden-Baden
Augustaplatz 10
D-76530 Baden-Baden, Germany
Parking facilities: Parking at the Kongress-Haus
Information Hotline: +49 211 - 5 37 02 69
Date: Thursday, 6th September 2007, 13:00 > 18:00 h
Friday, 7th September 2007, 9:00 > 18:30 h
Saturday, 8th September 2007, 8.30 > 17.00 h
Opening hours congress office: Thursday, 6th September 2007, 12:00 > 18:00 h
Friday, 7th September 2007, 8:30 > 18:30 h
Saturday, 8th September 2007, 8.15 > 17.00 h
Official Language: English
Deadline for the early registration: 1st August 2007
1st August 2007
Online registration: Please submit your registration here
Participation fees:
Booking before 1st August 2007 after 1st August 2007
Regular Euro 300,– Euro 330,–
Residents* Euro 200,– Euro 230,–
Students* Euro 150,– Euro 180,–
Incl. VAT and excl. foreign transfer fees
*) certificate required. This has to be faxed to +49 211 - 59 35 60; otherwise the regular fee will be charged.
Payment options: Fees should be paid in EURO prior to the symposium by bank transfer to the
Stadt-Sparkasse Duesseldorf,
Sorting code 300 501 10,
Account number 100 457 4032,
Congress-Organisation Gerling GmbH
IBAN: DE91 3005 0110 1004 5740 32
Code word: AMD Baden-Baden,
*Name of the participant*

or by credit card:
Important notes for participants
Reduced participation fees need to be certified with the announcement.
Registration fees include lunches (Friday & Saturday), coffee breaks and the abstract booklet.
If you register late or on site we cannot guarantee for lunch and participation at the social program.
You are encouraged to apply for the symposium either online, by mail or by fax. Cancellation for the symposium has to be made via mail or via fax
(+49 211 - 59 35 60) by 29th August 2007. In any case an administration charge of 17 Euro has to be made. After this date, no refunds can be made.
Hotel accommodation: See hotel list on the registration form
Presentations: L = Lectures:
12 min presentation + 3 min discussion
P = Papers:
8 min presentation + 2 min discussion
Projection: PowerPoint Presentation on USB-Stick, DVD, CD-R